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CLINIQUE - 24 Days of Clinique Beauty Advent Calendar
Zbuloni lëkurën rrezatuese me pastrues të butë të fytyrës dhe eksfoliator.
Pastaj hidratojeni dhe shkëlqeni me një koleksion hidratues për ditën dhe natën.
Surgery Moisture hidraton lëkurën e thatë deri në 72 orë.
Clinique Smart Night Custom-Repair Moisturizer dhe Clinique Smart-Repair Serum kundër shenjave të plakjes.
Lëkurë e përgatitur për kozmetikë dhe zvogëloni shkëlqimin sipërfaqësor me Moisturizer Clinique Pep-Start HydroBlur.
De-puff, zbardhin sytë me Krem për sytë Clinique Pep-Start.
Seti përmban:
Clarifying Lotion Twice A Day Exfoliator 2, 2fl. oz. / 60ml
Liquid Facial Soap Mild, 1fl. oz. / 30ml
Dramatically Different™ Moisturizing Lotion+, 1fl. oz. / 30ml
Moisture Surge™ 72-Hour Auto-Replenishing Hydrator, 1oz. / 30ml
7 Day Scrub Cream Rinse-Off Formula, 1fl. oz. / 30ml
Deep Comfort™ Hand and Cuticle Cream, 1fl. oz. / 30ml
Take The Day Off™ Makeup Remover For Lids, Lashes & Lips, 1fl. oz. / 30ml
Clinique Pep-Start™ 2-in-1 Exfoliating Cleanser, 1fl. oz. / 30ml
Rinse-Off Foaming Cleanser, 0.5oz. / 15ml
Moisture Surge™ Hydrating Supercharged Concentrate, 0.5oz. /15ml
Clinique Smart Night™ Custom-Repair Moisturizer, 0.21oz. / 7ml
Moisture Surge™ Overnight Mask, 0.21oz. / 7ml
Clinique Smart™ Custom-Repair Serum, 0.21oz. / 7ml
Clinique Pep-Start™ Eye Cream, 0.24oz. / 7ml
All About Eyes™, 0.17oz. / 5ml Aromatics in Black™, 0.14fl oz. / 4ml
Blushing Blush™ Powder Blush in Precious Posy, 0.11oz. / 3.1g
Lash Power™ Mascara Long-Wearing Formula in Black Onyx, 0.09oz. / 2.5ml
Clinique Pop™ Lip Colour + Primer in Love Pop, 0.08oz. / 2.3g
Clinique Pop Splash™ Lip Gloss + Hydration in Air Kiss, 0.05fl oz. / 1.5ml
Almost Lipstick in Black Honey, 0.04oz ./ 1.2g
Clinique Fresh Pressed™ Renewing Powder Cleanser with Pure Vitamin C, 3 packettes, 0.01oz. / 0.5g each
Quickliner™ For Eyes Intense in Intense Ebony, 0.01oz. / 0.14g Blush Brush